
Bleubird came about from my passion of the outdoors and adventure. I’m Matt Creighton, originally from Belfast, NI. I spent 6 years bouncing around the French Alps, working throughout the winter as a ski technician and spending summers by the running tides of western Europe, searching for waves in my little camper, Betty Blue.

Founder, Matt & Betty Blue. La Rosière, France, 2015.

I’ve been fortunate to have skied from an early age. The mountains are like a second home to me. As soon as I graduated from uni, I headed out there for a few years and began my journey as a seasonaire. The original idea of Bleubird came about after I took a break from season life for a year and embarked on an 8000KM journey by bicycle from Belfast to Vietnam. I had a lot of time to think about life whilst on the saddle, however, although I was on an epic adventure, crossing continents, my passion for the mountains still ran through me.

After the cycle, I went back to the Alps for 3 more years. The idea of Bleubird slowly burned away inside me until I committed to going for it in 2016. I taught myself how to screen print. I made old dodgy printing equipment in my ski workshop out of broken picture frames and I started printing t-shirts in my bedroom. The main idea behind Bleubird was allowing seasonaires to ‘mark their territory’ with what I called, ‘The Rear Tag’. This was a print on the bottom right hand side of the t-shirts or hoodies with a ski resort name. Seasonaires liked the idea of this as everybody was proud of their little home for the Winter.